# File lib/pixels.rb, line 144
144:   def self.create_tga(file_or_path, spec={})
145:     spec = {
146:       :width => nil,
147:       :height => nil,
148:       :color_depth => nil,
149:       :has_alpha => false,
150:       :origin => :UPPER_LEFT,
151:     }.merge(spec)
153:     case [spec[:color_depth], !!spec[:has_alpha]]
154:     when [15, true]
155:       bpp = 16
156:       alpha_depth = 1
157:     when [16, false]
158:       bpp = 16
159:       alpha_depth = 0
160:     when [24, false]
161:       bpp = 24
162:       alpha_depth = 0
163:     when [24, true]
164:       bpp = 32
165:       alpha_depth = 8
166:     else
167:       raise ArgumentError.new(
168:         ":depth=#{colour_depth}-bpp with :alpha=#{has_alpha} not supported")
169:     end
171:     image_descriptor = alpha_depth
172:     case spec[:origin]
173:     when :LOWER_LEFT
174:       # Do nothing
175:     when :UPPER_LEFT
176:       image_descriptor |= 0x20
177:     else
178:       raise ArgumentError.new(":origin must be :LOWER_LEFT or :UPPER_LEFT")
179:     end
181:     raw_header = [
182:       0,    # idlength
183:       0,    # colourmap type
184:       2,    # data type: Uncompressed RGB(A)
185:       0,    # colourmap_origin
186:       0,    # colourmap_length
187:       0,    # colourmap_depth
188:       0,    # x_origin
189:       0,    # y_origin
190:       spec[:width],
191:       spec[:height],
192:       bpp,
193:       image_descriptor,
194:     ].pack("CCCvvCvvvvCC")
196:     h, r = decode_tga_header(raw_header)
198:     if file_or_path.respond_to?(:write)
199:       file = file_or_path
200:     else
201:       file = File.open(file_or_path, "w+b:binary")
202:     end
204:     file.write(raw_header)
205:     file.seek(0, IO::SEEK_SET)
206:     return open_tga(file)
207:   end